The quickest remedy you opt for an immediate ant infestation at your house is the use of baking soda. It is easily accessible as it is available in your kitchen or restroom and easy to apply as all you need to do is to sprinkle it.
But do this key baking ingredient for cakes and slices of bread can really get rid of ants? Let’s see. To know whether baking soda is an effective ant pesticide, keep on reading.
The commonest indoor and outdoor pests are ants and you will agree to it. Whether the baking soda will work or not as an insecticide depends on the aggressive nature of the species of the ants. Known ant species in this world are about 12000. The unknown is yet to be discovered.
Ants are known best for their working spirit. Whenever you see ants it seems they are busy doing something. They are always looking for food and trying to preserve them. This working nature of ants may create a nuisance at your home and outdoors.
The super working ants are fire ants, crazy ants, carpenter ants, ghost ants to name a few. They can carry food particles more than 50 times their body weight.
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Being social insects, ants have advantages in their numbers and a huge infiltration at your home could be alarming if a large army of ants marches at your doorstep. They are omnivorous and they will feed on crops and foods as willingly as on other dead insects.
Sugar ants look for sweet things like maple syrup, honey or sugar. They search for leftovers, food droppings or unnoticed food particles which they carry to their colonies.
Outdoor ants build their colonies outside your house through dunes of soil in your garden (commonly known as ant hills); whereas indoor ants like carpenter ants build their nest inside your house in cracks and holes of the wooden structures or foundations, which gradually weakens the epicenter of your house’s structure.
Some ants may bite or sting but actually they are harmless to human bodies. Though some human skins are delicate, especially that of the young and old, where these stings and bites may rise to swollen spots, blisters or allergic reactions which may turn out to be itchy and painful temporarily.
NaHCO3 or sodium hydrogen carbonate is the chemical formula for baking soda. Chemist reading this article might find it familiar. Fundamentally, it is a base mineral. Laymen will identify it by its white dusty appearance along with the salted flavor.
This chemical element is used in the home for baking muffins, cakes, slices of bread, brownies, etc. When baking soda is mixed with moisture acidic food like yogurt, chocolate paste or honey, it helps to create air pockets and bubbles in the food which swells the food and makes it soft and spongy.
Baking soda is used as a cleaning agent too as it removes stains, dirt and restroom scars. It is also used as a sink cleaner. Its sanitizing smell adds to its functions.
Baking soda is also a useful ingredient for a beauty treatment.
Baking powder is different from baking soda! Please take note. Baking powder consists of sodium bicarbonate, an acidifying agent along with a drying agent (generally starch).
Sad to say but there is no proven fact that baking soda works as an insecticide. Various websites may try to convince you that baking soda is the easiest ant killer but we beg to differ. It is rumored that an equal portion of baking soda if mixed with equal portions of sugar dust creates a bait.
The scavenger ants carry this bait back to their nests and eventually kill other ants. What actually happens is, when baking soda is ingested by the ants, it creates bubbles of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) inside them. Bubbles burst inside the ants and they die due to explosion.
Do vivid homework on how to deal with ants and then take proper action. The pest control solution is the ultimate solution and does rely on their expertise.
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