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Approximate Cost of Bed Bug Treatment!

Approximate Cost of Bed Bug Treatment!

Bed bugs are one of the hard, annoying pests in the world which is hard to remove. Once infested it may take up to months to get rid of them, you need to be prompt enough to take proper steps at the earliest.

If you are facing bed bug infestation and want to remove them with the help of professionals, then you must have to know about the cost of these treatments.

In this article, we are going to discuss the professional bed bug removal packages.

The Guidelines in this Page:

  • How Does a Professional Exterminator Cost to Remove the Bed Bugs?
  • How Long a Bed Bug Treatment Take?
  • Is Professional Bed Bug Treatment Effective?
  • What is the Treatment Cost of an Apartment (large property)?
  • Final Words

Bed bugs are extremely stubborn; once infested, you need to try harder with proper equipment to get rid of them. In case of larger infestation, you require professional treatment to remove every trace of bed bug from your adobe. Keep on reading if you are looking for a professional bed bug treatment cost.

Fees of professional exterminators

Professional exterminators approximately charge between $250 to $1000 depending on the extent of the target area. The pricing will increase along with the increased carpet area. If you want to target a small room, then the professional cost will be lesser, whereas larger areas will cost higher.

The cost also depends on the type of treatment, if it includes only chemical treatment, it may cost less. But if you require heat treatment it will you higher. Before choosing a pest control company, try to get quotes from at least two to three companies.

Remember, the success of the treatment will highly depend on how professionally your exterminator deals with the infestation. While looking for a reputable pest control company try to find someone from your local area, it will be easier for you to connect with them in case of any requirement.

If you are interested, click here to check what the famous entomologist Jeff White is saying about professional bed bug control:

What you will get out of the treatment?

A professional treatment will ensure your home is free from the bed bugs because you are paying for that. Experienced professionals may apply a number of chemicals in the hiding places of the bed bugs. Heat treatment can also be done, as bed bugs are heat sensitive.

Your professional pest control company must provide a guarantee on their treatment because in many cases, bed bugs re-occur after a couple of weeks if not treated properly. So, if your company does not provide assurance on their service, don’t choose that company.

Can trained dogs help?

Few professional pest control companies sometimes use trained dogs to sniff the bed bug eggs. Due to the earthy smell of the bed bug colony, they can easily locate their hiding places, which will help the exterminators to apply chemicals and heat treatment on the target colony of the bed bugs.

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How Does a Professional Exterminator Cost to Remove the Bed Bugs?

Over the past few years, it has been discovered that bed bugs develop resistance over most of the insecticides. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has updated a few regulations on pesticides resistance of bed bugs. One regulation that needs to be highlighted is every insecticide must be registered with EPA before being sold and used.

So, before using or purchasing any product from the market check thoroughly whether it is approved by EPA if you don’t apply the product. The professional pest control company must use every product which is safe and effective against bed bugs.

As we have mentioned before, the professional either use a single product to remove the bed bug infestation or a combination of products. In the case of larger infestation, the application of pesticides must be combined with heat treatment to combat the bed bugs from its root.

Pesticide Application

Pesticide application is referred to as chemical treatment, where a single chemical or a combination of chemicals (bed bug spray and powder) is used to remove the bed bugs from target areas.

Most bed bug insecticides contain Pyrethrin and Pyrenoid. There are more than 300 products are registered with the EPA, and most of them contain a combination of these two ingredients.

Sometimes pyrroles, neonicotinoids, and insect growth regulators are also mixed along with the insecticide. The pyrroles disrupt the certain essential functions of the bed bugs which causes their death.

Some growth regulators faster the growth of the bed bugs, whereas some stop their development, which eventually result from dysfunction in their overall body system.

Most of the ingredients of pesticides are harmful to humans. Especially sensitive individuals should maintain a safe distance from the pesticides. Do not apply any insecticide on your own; you may end up creating a mess.

Heat Treatment

Till date, heat is the only mean of getting rid of the bed bugs. The thermal death point of an adult bed bug is 120 degrees Fahrenheit whereas bed bug eggs can sustain a 130 degree Fahrenheit temperature.

In heat treatment, professional exterminators apply the heat of 200 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit over the target area to kill the bed bugs. This is one of the most effective treatment till date, especially if you want to target bigger public sectors like school, college, hospitals, movie theatre, etc.

One thing that needs to be remembered in the case of heat treatment is that the heat must be distributed evenly throughout the target area for about 90 minutes (timing can vary depending on the extent of the area). Otherwise, some bed bugs that are hiding within the cracks and crevices may escape and result in re-infestation.

If you want to target a smaller area like your bedding material or a single room, small heating equipment will be enough. But in case of a whole floor or an apartment large heating equipment is required. The larger heating unit contains a huge water tank which enables them to perform for over 60 minutes.

Combination Of Treatments

If you are failing to achieve success over your bed bug infestation and already have applied various chemicals to remove the bed bugs, but tired out of trying; maybe you need more than just heat treatment of pesticide application.

Tell your exterminator about your prior experience; it will help them to take necessary action. Under such circumstances, you may require a combination of chemical treatment and heat treatment.

After heat treatment, an insecticide should be applied with a long residual effect. The insecticides will keep on killing those bed bugs which have escaped the heat treatment. The combined treatment is very effective, and the success rate is higher than a single method of treatment.

How Long a Bed Bug Treatment Take?

The treatment timing will vary from 15 days to 2 months, that is why we have mentioned before getting rid of bed bugs is really tough. But why so? Well, there will be different reasons for that, one probable reason is bed bug eggs are more resistant to heat and pesticides than the adults.

In case the bed bug colony laid eggs, they will hatch within 10 days and result in re-infestation. That is why your pest control company must repeat the treatment for a month or so. If you are interested, you can watch the video where Dr. Jim Fredrick from The National Pest Management Association says ‘’hitchhikers’’ for the bed bugs, see why it is difficult to remove them from your home.

Click here to watch:

So, if your pest control company claims that they can do the job with only one application, wait, think twice before hiring the company. Because in most cases, they fail to provide the desired result with a single application.

And if you want to deal with the bed bug infestation, then do not expect to get rid of them easily. Even we cannot say a timeline for any DIY method because in most cases these are not effective. So, we always recommend hiring a professional exterminator to deal with your bed bug infestation.

Is Professional Bed Bug Treatment Effective?

Well, it depends on the effectiveness of the pest control company which you are going to hire. A simple answer is YES, professional; bed bug treatments are more effective than the DIY techniques.

If you want to get rid of larger bed bug infestation from school, colleges, restaurants, movie theatre, or any other larger areas, professional treatment should be the one thing to consider.

Though the professional treatment will cost you higher, this is probably the only option to kill the bed bugs faster. Besides, professional treatment will save your money, because if you want to purchase a steam cleaner or vacuum to combat the bed bugs, it will cost you huge.

Even after purchasing, if you do not know how to operate this equipment, you will not get anything out of the whole scenario expect spending money for nothing.

What is the Treatment Cost of an Apartment (large property)?

If your whole apartment is infested by the bed bugs, then it goes without saying that the entire apartment requires treatment to remove the bed bugs. Naturally, the treatment cost will be higher due to more product consumption.

Most of the professional pest control company charges as per each room or based on the overall carpet area. If you want to target three or four rooms (an entire floor), it will cost you between $ 1500 to $ 2000.

Final Words

Bed bugs can be your worst nightmare because they will not let you sleep during the night because of their biting. In the case of larger infestation, professional treatment is required. Before hiring a pest, control the company checks their credentials thoroughly; otherwise, you will regret your decision.

Professional bed bug treatment is a costly affair indeed, but extremely necessary to remove the bed bug infestation from your home. In case you require any assistance, you can let us know in the comment section below. We would love to help you to remove the bed bug infestation.

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