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Can You Be Sick Because Of Bed Bugs?

Can You Be Sick Because Of Bed Bugs?

If you are looking for the answer to the above question, then maybe you have recently experienced those nightmares, or you want to take precautions. Welcome to both the readers as in this guide, we are going to discuss sickness due to bed bugs (if any).

So, check out to know more!

We all know that some insects and pests cause severe illness in humans, so from that perspective, it is no surprise if you are looking for whether you will be sick because of bed bugs.

If we take a look at the history of the human population, we will find evidence that fleas, mosquitoes, rats, etc. cause severe fatal disease which wiped out thousands of life, time to time.

The Middle Age has a darker history, due to the Black Plague caused by rats wiped out over more than half of the European population, while Malaria, caused by mosquitoes took millions of children’s life.

The Guidelines in this Page:

  • What are Bed Bugs After All?
  • Bed Bug Bites
  • Is There Any Sickness Associated With Bed Bug Bites?
  • Final Thoughts

The bloodsuckers are really annoying because they will easily make you anxious due to their presence. Does their bite make people sick?

Let’s discover!

What are Bed Bugs After All?

Bed bugs are tiny reddish-brown pests which can easily travel anywhere with the belongings of human. They are about 4-6 mm long and 2-3.5 mm wide. Due to their flattened body and nocturnal behavior, it is hard to find them, especially during the day.

They tend to hide within the cracks and crevices of your bed, couch, and other furniture so that they can live closer to their food sources. Yew we know, they are smart!

When you sleep at night, they easily find undisturbed and suck your blood then goes back to their hiding places. Moreover, they release a fluid while biting, which acts as anesthesia because of which you don’t even realize that you are bitten by bed bugs.

Evidence of Bed Bugs

Well, as we mentioned before it is hard to find the bed bugs because of their tiny size and peculiar hiding nature. But how do you understand if bed bugs are present in your home?

You must look for the following signs:

  • Bite marks on your skin.
  • Small and scattered bloodstains on your bedsheets, pillows, and couches.
  • A musty smell.

If you can smell the odor, you are half done with your mission. Because the smell is produced by the bugs to communicate with each other. The odor is somewhat similar to an old book. The smell may also result from active pheromones produced by their colony.

On the other hand, the bloodstains of your bedsheets may result because they may get crushed with your skin while you were sleeping. After having a heavy meal, they cannot crawl that faster, you know!

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They become a round red bump after having a heavy blood meal which sometimes allows you to find them. Some individuals are not sensitive to bed bugs and don’t even realize they have bed bugs while some have sensitive skin and face a lot of skin problems due to their bites.

But, still, the question remains, are they able to make you sick? We understand your concern that’s why in this section we are going to answer the question, so continue to read!

Bed Bug Bites

At first, we are going to discuss the bed bug bites. At night when you asleep bed bugs bite you, but they do not let you know their presence, how? They inject an anticoagulant fluid inside the biting site with their saliva to prevent blood clotting. But still, you feel itchy because most people are sensitive to the bed bug’s saliva, which results in the itchy red bumps.

See the video to know more about bed bug bites:

Individual humans show different sensitivity towards bed bug bites. The sensitive individuals easily get the red bumps after being bitten by the bed bugs, whereas some individuals fail to realize they have bitten by bed bugs at all. Most people fail to identify the bed bug bites due to their similarity with mosquito bites, but the bed bug bites are itchier than the mosquito bites.

Is There Any Sickness Associated With Bed Bug Bites?

Like other insects and pests, bed bug does not transmit any harmful disease to humans, but their biting may result in a cluster of itchy red bumps.

However, some sensitive individuals may get an allergic reaction due to bed bug bites. Severe itchiness results in infection under which condition it is important to sooth the bite site. You can see a dermatologist if things go out of control.

They will prescribe some topical ointment which will release the burning sensation. You should cut your nails short to avoid the urge of repetitive itching. If additional suffering results like hives or rashes immediately see a medical professional avoid further infection.

Psychological Stress

Though bed bugs do not spread the serious disease to humans, they may result in severe anxiety. They bite you at night to interfere with your good night sleep, which speaks for all the stress you get!

After a hectic day, if you do not get enough sleep to recharge yourself for the next day, it will be problematic. Regular sleep disruption may result in mental disorders, so it is a serious issue.

That is why eradicating bed bugs from your home has become an essential task after getting sure about their presence. Psychological breakdowns have been reported due to bed bug bites. Moreover, evidence of committing suicide is also there.

We want to clarify one thing; the stress does not cause by the fluid released by the bed bug while biting. It is entirely related to sleep disruption. The disturbance is the single most annoying factor.

Final Thoughts

In most cases, people do not get a serious disease out of bed bug bites, but they can impart serious mental stress. After discovering a bed bug infestation, the first and foremost thing you should do is to plan how to eliminate the infestation from your home.

There are hundreds of products in the market which claim to be the best while removing bed bugs, but before purchase, we recommend calling a local exterminator to check the infested situation.

After evaluation of the situation, then only decide to purchase some bed bug killing product. Don’t purchase anything without proper information, otherwise, you may end up creating a mess.

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