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How Do Bed Bugs Move? Find It Out Here!

How Do Bed Bugs Move? Find It Out Here!

Do you want to know how bed bug moves? Can they fly or jump?


You can end your search here because you are in the right place! Keep on reading to find your answer!

Getting bed bug infestation is not good news, and we understand it better. It can be your worst nightmare. But don’t curse your fate, in the 21st-century getting bed bug is not a big deal moreover, getting rid of them is easier than before. Thanks to the updated technology and strong chemical composition.

If you have bed bugs, you probably want to know everything related to the tiny little bloodsuckers, because it will be easier to identify them to defeat them with proper information. Bed bugs are one of the most stubborn pests in the pest world; naturally, their infestation irritates you more than anything.

The Guidelines in this Page:

  • Can Bed Bugs Fly?
  • Can Bed Bugs Jump?
  • Can Bed Bugs Climb on the Wall?
  • How do Bed Bugs Move from One Room to Another?
  • How to Stop Bed Bugs from Crawling Around?
  • Final Words

Can Bed Bugs Fly?

A straight answer to the question is NO!

Bed bugs are tiny reddish-brown pests that can crawl real faster from place to place. And of course, they cannot fly or jump like fleas. So if you misunderstood any flying insects with bed bugs, be sure those can be anything but not bed bugs. But those can be stink bugs, they look more or less similar to the bed bugs, but they don’t bite like the bed bugs.

Can Bed Bugs Jump?

Well no again, fortunately!

Bed bugs cannot jump like fleas because they do not have powerful hind legs like the fleas. So if you are not sure whether you have bed bugs or not, you can use bed bug traps because once they enter inside the bed bug traps, they cannot escape the trap. Which is a good thing, isn’t it? Remember, fleas also bite and spread harmful diseases, so do not confuse bed bugs with fleas.

Can Bed Bugs Climb on the Wall?

Yes, they can. Since they cannot fly or jump, don’t think they cannot crawl, rather they can crawl really faster on your bed and of course on the walls. The good point is due to their crawling nature; they can be trapped using the bed bug traps.

If you can fix the traps at the legs of your bed or other furniture, they can crawl down inside the traps but due to the slippery nature of the equipment they cannot crawl back, thereby get trapped.

You can also check the video to know how bed bugs climb the wall:

If you have a smooth coating on your wall, bed bugs will face problems while climbing; they may fall again in your bed. But if the wall is little textured they can easily climb.

How do Bed Bugs Move from One Room to Another?

Like many of us, bed bugs also love to travel, but not the way we do. They may travel from place to place through your luggage and eventually end up in your home, you never know! After landing in your home they will tend to settle down within your mattress couches, closet, or any other possible places where they can access you at night because the night is their ideal feeing time.

As we mentioned before that they can crawl really faster, it will hardly take a week for them to find their hiding places. If you want to take preventive measures against large scale bed bug infestation, then you can cover your mattress with mattress encasements which are made with finely knitted fabric to stop bed bugs and other pests from penetrating your mattress.

We know their bites are not less than a worse nightmare! Bed bug traps are a really helpful tool to trap the bloodsucker at the earliest. If you come to know earlier, it will be easier to take proper decisions on how to eradicate the bed bugs.

You will be in a real mess if you are not sensitive to the bed bug bites because you have a higher chance to get bigger infestation due to a lack of sensitivity. In your home, from your bed to your couch and your carpet everything can be infested by the bed bugs if you ignore.

How to Stop Bed Bugs from Crawling Around?

Practically it is not in your hand. You cannot control their movement; if they stay for a long time in your home, they will spread to your couches and closet. Under such circumstances, we highly recommend you to hire a professional exterminator to examine the whole scenario and to take necessary action depending on the situation.

Check the video to see how bed bugs crawl in your wall:

The exterminator may advise you to apply a combination of products to eliminate the bed bugs from your home. In case of a larger infestation in hotels, schools, hospitals or such other public sectors, steam cleaners and vacuums are perfect to use, not only it is a chemical-free way to deal with the bed bugs but it also kills the bed bugs at one shot.

If you are sensitive or allergic in nature, live with children and pets then avoid using random insecticides to combat bed bugs, because in most cases it will create a mess. The harmful chemicals in the insecticide may hurt your body.

Final Words

Adjusting with bed bug bites is not an option under any circumstances, after discovering bed bug infestation in your home do not panic, just relax! A proper strategy is required to combat bed bug infestation properly. There are so many DIY techniques available on the internet which claim to solve your bed bug problem like a professional one, but in most cases, it fails to provide the desired result.

We highly recommend consulting a professional exterminator to examine your house, because they know better what to do and how to do. Before choosing your pest control company, try to talk with more than one company to understand what they are trying to say and what process they are recommending.

In case you have any other question related to bed bug removal you can call us, we will connect you with the best professional exterminator from your locality. So getting rid of the bed bugs is not rocket science, it’s easy. Just try out!

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