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Best rat poisons in the market: Check out our recommended 4 products

Rodenticides or rat poisons are one of the quickest methods to get rid of rats from your house. They are harmful for you and your family and need to be eliminated as soon as you see a couple of them roaming in and around your house. In this article, we will recommend our chosen best rat poisons which are available in the market, our top choices, reasons behind why rats enter your house, how to apply rodenticides properly and the comparisons between rat poisons and rat traps.

Our Chosen Number 1 Product

Contrac Blox

Contrac Blox

  • Weather-resistant.
  • Both indoor and outdoor use.
  • Attractive food is mixed with the poison which makes rats go for it.


A professional exterminator uses the same product and in addition, they charge $300 for doing so. The major toxic ingredient is Bromadiolone which is blended properly with attractive food particles. The rats get attracted to the bait, eat them and die immediately. The formula is made in such a way that the question of secondary poisoning does not arise. For example, if your pet eats a poisoned dead rat it will not get poisoned too, which is a common phenomenon in other products.

Buy an 18 lb can of Contrac Blox, buy a couple of Protecta Sidekick Tamper Proof Stations, put the bait in the stations and place them where you think the nests are, and keep them at a safe distance from pets and children. You will see results within 2 weeks. Replace the untouched bait after 40 to 60 days, so that rats can smell the fresh bait again.

Keep the bait in closed dry and locked areas for longevity and safety (as it is nothing but poison). The only antidote is vitamin K1. You should also keep the antidote handy in case of any accidental intake by pets and children.

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During the Victorian era (1837 to 1901) England and other countries in Europe faced a massive rat invasion causing detrimental diseases like plage, killing almost 60 percent of the population. A new profession named ‘rat catcher’ became famous during that time. Written in 1284, a folklore from a small town called Hameln situated at Lower Saxony in Germany called the ‘The Pied Piper of Hameln’ became famous in Europe during this time. The folklore was re-written by Robert Browning, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe or by The Brothers Grimm later on. Nice to know a little about history but the main point lies that rats have been a menace for ages. No matter how advancement has been in the rat-catching techniques or the poisons, rats still exist and infiltrate your house.

The Guidelines in this Page:

  • Rodenticides: The best 4 according to us.
  • ​Difficulties you face to get rid of rats from your household.
  • Why in the first place you have rats in your house?
  • ​What are the measures to be taken while applying rat poisons?
  • ​Choosing the correct product.
  • Choosing the local stores and the choices.
  • What are single feeding baits and multiple feeding baits?
  • Anticoagulants and the antidotes.
  • Best rat poisons: Our assessments.
  • Our chosen number 1 product: Contrac Blox.

Rodenticides: The best 4 according to us:

If you have a serious rat infiltration in your house and you are desperate to get rid of them as soon as possible, you may go through the whole article later. Meanwhile, click on the links below to know about the best rodenticide for your rat problem. Listed are our recommended best 4 products. Choose according to your needs.

Difficulties you face to get rid of rats from your household:

It is not an easy task to get rid of rats from your house. If you think placing baits and laying traps can eliminate the rat infestation easily, you are wrong. Remember they have been a menace for centuries and yet they exist and invade your home. To your satisfaction, if you see that you have killed a lot of rats by poisoning and laying traps for them, don’t be happy but remember their reproductive capabilities. As soon as you clean the dead rats from your yard, a new set of rats infiltrate your

house. Also, keep in mind that they are carriers of detrimental diseases which are fatal for humans. ‘Rats are dangerous’.

But you have to ask yourself, why they are infesting your house? If you find out the answer to this question, well; the first step is done!

Watch this video to know more:

Why in the first place you have rats in your house?

Rats search for food, water, and shelter. Outdoor rats rush into safe havens if they find difficulties in surviving in the natural atmosphere. The difficulties arise during a radical climate alteration of a biological catastrophe. An artificial knock-back is also a reason, especially when demolition of old buildings or construction of new sites occur. Any disturbance in the natural habitat of rats makes them flee and look for a new haven. If your house is nearby, it may be the perfect place to invade.

Rats also have predators like hawks, falcons, owls, and snakes who are also nocturnal creatures. But these predators generally reside out of town, towards the countrysides. To hide and escape from them, rats run towards the cities.

Unknowingly, we tend to invite rats to our homes by putting bird food in the gardens. Pet feces are also a source of food for them. Open trash cans with leftover food particles, unwrapped food are some other reasons why rats infest.

These are the main reasons why you have rats in your house. All you need to do is to take precautionary measures and apply the correct rat poison to solve your problem.

But before going for the rat poison you must find out:

  • Why are rats infesting your house? It is mainly because of the availability of food. Take precautionary measures so that rats have no easy access to them.
  • How are they entering your house? Check their easy entrance points like holes, cracks, inner walls in your house and seal them. You can search the net for techniques and guidelines to restrict rats to enter your house.
  • Get prepared for a trapping or treatment program immediately.

What are the measures to be taken while applying rat poisons?

Keep in mind that while handling rat poisons you are handling extreme toxins. These harmful chemicals are dangerous for you, your family and your pets. The safety of the family comes first rather than killing rodent infestations.

  • Always use bait stations along with poison blocks. They are not that expensive and do not target pets or other animals towards the bait.
  • Nearly all rodenticides have antidotes. Example Contrac Blox has vitamin K1 as an antidote. You should keep antidotes handy so that if children and pets accidentally ingest the bait an immediate relief can be given to them.
  • Few products don’t have antidotes too. For them, you should position them at places where pets and children can’t reach. For these poisons, you should go through the user manual intensely.
  • You should always place the bait stations near the walls as rats do travel beside walls. The picture below may give you an idea.

Get an idea about who are rat exterminators and how much do they cost?

Choosing the correct product:

When you pick a rat poison, you should keep in mind certain features of the product. For that, you need to do research before buying the product. You must know that:

  • All products won’t work for different types of rat infestation. You will have to choose wisely the product that is applicable for the kind of rat infestation you are facing.
  • How to keep the poison out of pets, children and even from animals that don’t harm you like the birds and fish in your pond? Naturally, most of the products are sold with an in-built bait station but still, you should make sure that they are abrasion-free.
  • The top bait stations meet these criteria:
    • Pets and children can’t fiddle it.
    • Weather-resistant.
    • It can be used both indoors and outdoors (maximum radius of 50 feet from the point of infestation).
    • It should have a secured locking system so that even found by pets and children, they can’t unlock it to free the infected rodents.
    • It should be tough enough so that it can’t be mishandled by pets and children so that the bait does not come out of the stations.

Choosing the local stores and the choices:

Follow the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) guidelines while buying the product from the local drug or hardware stores.

EPA has made sure that other than block or paste no other rodenticides can be purchased from drug or hardware stores. They have banned pellets and open bait trays.

They have also limited the chemical compositions in the rat poisons. The chemical compositions of the poison should restrict to bromethalin, chlorophacinone, and diphacinone.

Whatever brand you may opt, the basic chemical composition should vary between these three-components. Even if you opt for a DIY method, you will have to stick to them.

What are single feeding baits and multiple feeding baits?

Single feeding baits:

Single feeding baits kill rodents instantly. They contain stronger and more toxin ingredients. It is difficult to find them in local drug or hardware stores. You have to order online to get them. All you have to do is to keep an antidote handy, in case there is an accidental ingestion of the single feed bait by pets, children and unharmful animals.

Multiple feeding baits:

Multiple feeding baits are less in toxin content and rats feed more than once to get the effect. In the case of multiple feeding baits, rats die within 5 to 7 days of ingestion. But these baits have their own disadvantages. Rats before going for a particular food, intake small bits to ensure whether it is safe for them or not. If the bait makes them sick, they will immediately avoid it and eat clays near them. This process is termed as pica. They consume non-food elements like clays after eating the poisonous bait which eventually reduces the toxic element in the intake. Slowly the rat recovers and it will avoid the bait. Even if a rat gets sick or dies in the process, rats can smell other rat’s breath to know the source of the illness or death.

Single feeding baits are advantageous, though difficult to get from local stores are better options than multiple feeding baits.

Product specifications:

Rat poisons available in the market are mixed and blended well with the foodstuffs which rats look for. A few examples include fats, grains, seeds, and flavor savors. Be it solid blocks, place packs, loose grains, pastes, pellets or bags of dust, they should be kept in sturdy tamper-resistant bait traps. Nearly all rodenticides contain anticoagulants (blood thinners which reduce blood clotting during injures) which is a useful ingredient. Several poisons affect the nervous system, metabolism, and hearts of rats which work better than the ones containing anticoagulants but may distress your home. But major rat poisons are accompanied by an antidote that helps you to recover quickly if you accidentally have ingested a part of the poison. The antidote works for pets and children too. It is always advisable to read the label before buying any product for more information.

Anticoagulants and the antidotes:

Rodenticides containing anticoagulants are better for you, your home, your family and your pets. These poisons cause drastic metabolic disruption in rats. The 4-hydroxycoumarin, 4-thiochromenone and indandione anticoagulants are fatal for rats as they cause damage to their blood vessels and cause interior bleedings.


Best rat poisons – Our assessments:

These are the topmost rat poisons available in the market. Check them to find out which one meets your needs.

Contrac Blox

Contrac Blox

  • Bromadiolone is the main element.
  • Anticoagulant.
  • Single feeding poison.
  • It comes in blocks.
  • Vitamin K1 is the antidote.
  • Safe for pets.


This product has been appreciated by users as a quick second-generation bait, having less wax content and applicable to indoors and outdoors. All you need to do is to act according to the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) requirements, read the instructions on the pack which specifies not to apply to places that are in close proximity to pets and children and use tamper-resistant bait stations.

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  • Difethialone is the main element.
  • Anticoagulant.
  • Single feeding poison.
  • It comes in blocks.
  • Vitamin K1 is the antidote.
  • Bait doesn’t get scattered.


This single-feed product comes with an antidote. It is more operative in humid and moist areas. Kills rodents in 1 night. Read the PPE requirements before application. Do not apply in places that are in close proximity to pets and children. Tamper-resistant bait stations are a must.

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Talon G

  • Brodifacoum is the main element.
  • Anticoagulant.
  • Single feeding poison.
  • It comes in pellets.
  • Vitamin K1 is the antidote.
  • Used by professional exterminators.


It is advisable to consult a professional exterminator before applying this product. It is very poisonous and is able to kill rats within 12 hours but at the same time could be heinous to children, livestock and pets. Pellets are easy to find and could be misunderstood as food by pets and other harmless animals and birds. It is advisable to listen to the exterminator who will procure you the procedures to use it.

Click here for the price

Fastrac Blox

Fastrac Blox

  • Bromethalin is the main element – CSN toxin.
  • Anticoagulant.
  • Single feeding poison.
  • It comes in blocks.
  • No antidote.
  • All-weather baiting bloc.


It is not advised for household rodent remedy, if not prescribed by an expert exterminator. The main cause lies in the fact that though the product acts fast, bromethalin does not have an antidote.

Click here for the price

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