Are you facing insect bites at night for more than two days? Be aware; it can be bed bugs!
If you want to be sure whether bed bugs enter your home, the best way is to set up bed bug traps. It is an effective tool to trap those bloodsuckers, but sometimes bed bugs can crawl your walls to escape the traps. Yes, they are smart, indeed!
For that reason, we have reviewed some of the best bed bug traps available in the market, so if you are thinking to buy one this guide is a must-read for you.
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Usually, bed bugs do not spread disease, but sensitive individuals may get a disease from bed bug bites. The University of Pennsylvania published a study in 2014, where it has been shown bed bugs can transmit parasite which is responsible for Chagas Disease.
So, it is important to detect the presence of bed bugs in your home. If you are not sensitive to bed bug bites, you require these traps more than the sensitive individuals because you won’t realize a larger bed bug infestation.
Bed bug traps are one of the most effective tools to track the presence of bed bugs. Besides these traps, you can detect which furniture in your room is infested with the bed bugs.
It is free from chemicals and a smart option to purchase because it is cost-effective. These traps have proven economical preventive measures to combat large scale bed bug infestation.
So, if you are planning to purchase a bed bug trap, then you have come to the right place because here we will discover some of the most effective Bed Bug Traps of the year:
To maintain a safe distance from the annoying bloodsuckers, it is important to keep a strict eye whether they have managed to enter your home or not. Bed bug traps are a good preventive measure that you can opt for to protect your family from bed bug infestation.
If you are a traveler or have any traveler family member, then bed bug traps can be a smart buying option. Like fleas, they cannot jump over places, but they can crawl faster.
Once they crawl inside the traps, they cannot go back due to the smooth and slippery inside the wall; these are originally designed to block them from crawling your furniture.
The bed bugs traps look like small bowls or soup cups. The outside wall is somewhat rigid, which makes it easier for bed bugs to crawl, whereas the inner side is slippery, which prevents bed bugs from going back and hiding within your belongings.
Due to the appearance of bed bug bites, sometimes it is confused with mosquito bites, flea bites and common rashes. But getting a bite every night for more than three days will allow you to think about bed bug bites. These traps will help you detect early bed bug presence in your home so that you can take necessary action to prevent further infestation.
These traps are robust, can tolerate heavyweight of your furniture. These traps are designed to trap bed bugs in their first place. Some traps use powders to make the inside wall more slippery whereas some use a special material with slippery texture, so basically it is a no go back trap.
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It is very hard to locate bed bugs due to flattened body shape and hideous nature, but getting rid of them is the next big thing you want after discovering their presence. Bed bugs have a peculiar feeding nature; they can survive without a single blood meal for about a month.
So sometimes it takes months to discover the presence of bed bugs. These traps require to be attached at the bottom of the suspected furniture (bed, sofa, closet, etc.) the bed bugs will surely climb in but will never climb back, and this is how the bed traps work.
However, these traps are helpful for new infestation, if your furniture is already infested heavy with bed bugs these traps will be helpful, in that case, you require to hire a professional exterminator to solve your bed bug problem.
To protect your mattress from bed bug infestation we recommend you purchase mattress encasements for your bed. Once your mattress is encased, it will be easier for the traps to track the presence of bed bugs.
Bed bugs are one of the most annoying insects in the pest world. To avoid larger infestation, it is necessary to detect their early presence; bed bug traps can be helpful to perform the task with ease. The bed bug traps are comparatively cheaper than other available bed bug killing products.
The traps can last up to months; it also depends on the weight of the furniture. For heavy furniture, the traps start to crack, so check it periodically to avoid failure of the process. The top bed bug traps are specially designed to tolerate ultimate weight, so before purchasing compare the existing products.
To avoid early cracks, some bed bug traps use crack-resistant materials (like polypropylene), and they can hold up to 900 pounds. The bed bugs traps will not be effective if your furniture is already infested. If you are a traveler or have already face bed bug infestation recently then try to use mattress encasements to protect your bed from further infestation.
The concept of the bed bug traps is to imprison the bloodsuckers from crawling back from where they have crawl. You can make a trap like a professional one by yourself.
If you wish to do so, here is an instructional video for you where professionals from the University of Florida is showing the process of making bed bug traps using regular containers. Some basic tools required to build this thing up, which include glue gun, tape, etc.
Check out the video to know more:
While working with pest strategies, we often get various queries regarding bed bug killing products. People always wanted to know the basic differentiation between bed bug traps and interceptors.
But the most interesting part is these are all the same!
Different companies use different names for the same product, so don’t get confused! Both are effective and work in the same manner.
In this part of our guide, we have thoroughly reviewed some of the best bed bug traps in the market. Read it carefully before making your purchase.
Why you should choose this?
Among the available bed bug trap options, we favorably recommend Bed Bug Interceptors because the design is unique, and it is most effective to track early bed bug presence in your home. The pack contains eight packs which are enough to cover target furniture. No chemicals are used to manufacture the product, so it is completely safe to use around children and pets.
The design of the product easily blends with your interior, besides it offers 24/7 detection against bed bugs so that you can track which furniture is infested. It is designed to suit heavy-weight furniture so no matter how big it is, it will be applicable for all. The interceptor has 4 inches in diameter to fit within the furniture legs.
It can be used in homes, apartments, hotels, schools, dormitories, and other public areas. The product does not contain talcum powder the inside wall is made from a smooth material that stops bed bugs from crawling back. So, with this product, you can cover two beds (8 legs) at a time, besides it is a feasible option regarding cost.
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Why you should choose this?
This is our second picked product because it is also dynamic when it comes to bed bug trap. The product has a Dual-Well Design that shows you which direction bed bugs are crawling.
This is pesticide-free, so no side effect is reported, helps determine the direction they are coming from. Versatile design will seamlessly blend with your regular home decoration. The diameter of the product is 3.75 inches, which is enough for the furniture legs.
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Why you should choose this?
The design of the product is very lucrative, white which easily indicates the presence of bed bugs. The bed bug trap is sturdy than other products besides it is extra wide to cover wider furniture legs.
It is free from pesticides so don’t worry if you have children and pets, you can still use this product. It comes with 3 X 3-inch trays which can bear up to 800 lbs. If you run a hotel, nursing home, or any other public sector, give this product a chance to trap bed bugs.
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Why you should choose this?
It is built to withstand heavier weight with a wider center area, last longer than other products. The product design is exclusive; the outer wall is grooved, which makes it easier for bed bugs to climb whereas the smooth inner surface ensures once they are trapped, they cannot escape.
The product is easy to set up; one person can easily set it. It is environmentally safe does not contain harmful chemicals. The best part of the product is it comes with customer care promise, so if you have any dissatisfaction, you can directly contact their customer care number to get the necessary support.
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Why you should choose this?
We include this bed bug trap within our list because of its distinctive designing, where most of the bed bug traps are white this one is black to attract the bed bug towards the trap, the idea is exclusive indeed, and it is one of the reasons behind the success of the product.
It comes with a stability guard that provides extra support for heavy furniture. The exterior is textured to help bed bug climb the trap whereas the inner is ultra-smooth, which does not allow the bed bug to go back. It has a 3.75 inches diameter to accommodate wider furniture legs. So if you want to track the presence of bed bugs in your home, give the product a try.
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Why you should choose this?
Detects the exact place from where bed bugs are coming from. The inner wall is smooth, and the outer wall is grooved, which is the ideal feature for an effective bed bug trap. Easy to use and set up a one-person setup.
After thoroughly researching the market and checked a few case studies, we have zeroed down to that product as our top pick. Bed Bug Interceptors is a top-notch product that does not compromise with its quality, which on the other hand, ensures its success.
It is suitable for different sizes of furniture; the best part of the product is it comes eight within a single pack so you can easily cover more than one target furniture.
The bright white color of the product makes it’s easy to detect the bed bug presence of your home. It is made from a crack-proof material that allows it to tolerate heavy-weight and sudden shock.
So, if you are planning to detect whether your home has bed bugs or not then go for the safe product which will not cost you much at the same time help you identify the bloodsuckers. You can take the bed bug samples to your local exterminators to understand what kind of treatment you require to get rid of bed bug infestation.
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Image Source: amazon.com