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Can Rubbing Alcohol Destroy Bed Bugs?

Can Rubbing Alcohol Destroy Bed Bugs?

In this article we are going to discuss this only, so to know more scroll down! Every pesticide contains harmful chemicals that are designed to kill insects, but these pesticides are potentially poisonous to humans to some extent.

That’s why we always recommend avoiding using pesticides unless it is absolutely necessary. Often some people try to use regular cleaning products such as Lysol or Bleach to kill bed bugs. But the question is household alcohols are effective to kill bed bugs?

Read more to get the answer!

The Guidelines in this Page:

  • Does Rubbing Alcohol is as Effective as Pesticides?
  • Alcohol and Rubbing Alcohol are the Same or Different?
  • Should you Consider Using Rubbing Alcohol?
  • Does Rubbing Alcohol Destroy Bed Bugs?

Does Rubbing Alcohol is as Effective as Pesticides?

Alcohol is a very effective substance; it has a few properties that are similar to pesticides. Alcohol is basically a desiccant, which is effectively used against bed bugs because they extract moisture out of the material they come in contact with. The alcohol kills bed bugs by digesting the waxy coating of their exoskeleton, which is the upper skin layer of the bed bugs.

Thereby they exposed to the outer environment and eventually die. To be precise, rubbing alcohol can extract the moisture from bed bugs in a similar way to the bed bug powders like CimeXa or Diatomaceous Earth. Another effective feature of alcohol is its peculiar smell, which acts as a repellent for bed bugs.

After inhaling pests want to move out because they cannot withstand the smell. If sprinkled anywhere they refused to cross or come near that place to avoid the smell. So, alcohols are helpful to keep bed bugs out of your bedroom.

Alcohol and Rubbing Alcohol are the Same or Different?

The alcohol we drink is known as ethanol alcohol, which can be consumed in moderate amount to booze up. Whereas excessive consumption will result in harmful conditions like vomit, nausea even death. The ethanol alcohol is not poisonous.

The chief component of rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol which is extremely toxic in nature. It is not for consumption. Rubbing alcohol is mainly used as a disinfectant both in humans and animals.

The key difference between these two types of alcohol is their individual effectiveness against bed bugs. Isopropyl alcohol is more effective than ethanol. When it is used against killing bed bugs stronger version is mixed with it to increase its effectiveness.

A container of isopropyl alcohol approximately contains 71% alcohol where the bed bug killing solution contains more than 90% alcohol because it is mixed with a stringer mixture.

Click here to read an article about; heat treatment for bed bug removal.

Should you Consider Using Rubbing Alcohol?

The answer is NO.

Household products do not work similarly to pesticides. Though the marketing strategy of these products claims to kill a certain percentage of germs, practically they are not that effective. If you bother to spend extra money on pesticides and want to replace rubbing alcohol with your pesticide then you are doing a big mistake.

Rubbing alcohol will not kill the entire bed bug infestation, but it may make your problem worse! Just calm down and go with our recommendation, here is our bed bug removal guide read it carefully to understand the bed bug removal process. Remember; don’t be responsible for creating a mess by using rubbing alcohol.

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Does Rubbing Alcohol Destroy Bed Bugs?

It may but the household type is not as effective to kill bed bugs as other products. A recent study shows rubbing alcohol only had a 50% rate of mortality, besides bed bugs were slightly hesitate from crossing the alcohol sprinkled area.

So, using rubbing alcohol can decrease the overall bed bug population, but will not guarantee 100% success. One thing you must remember before using rubbing alcohol that they need to be used directly in the infested area. This is not easy, besides spraying excessive alcohol may result in harmful health condition.

Why so?

Because whenever you will spray the alcohol on bed bugs they will move in a different direction to escape the spray which will eventually result in a new infestation. In short, the infestation will spread all over your home. For the above reason, every exterminator recommends not to use rubbing alcohol to remove bed bugs from your home.

Click here to see the video:

Before investing in bed bug products, we recommend contacting a local exterminator to check the status of your bed bug infestation. They will recommend the proper step (s) that you should follow to get rid of bed bug infestation.

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