Are you in search of top quality outdoor ant killers? You have to the correct place to find out. Our pest strategies will guide you towards:
Ants are not only “house damagers” but are also responsible for functional “lawn ruin”. Outdoor ants destroy your lawn, bite your pets and harm your property. To keep your Outdoor ant free, you need specialised outdoor ant insecticides. Keep reading further.
Time is running out? Have to come to a quick decision? Don’t hesitate but pick any our best 4 choices of Ant Killers. But we still recommend on reading more and come to an absolute decision on picking up the correct solution to your problem at the best price.
There are millions of species of ants in the USA and the majority of them are outdoor ants. It becomes difficult to study each and every ant’s behavior and apply pesticides accordingly. Do not panic. Concentrate on these 2 types of outdoor ants who are really alarming as they are dangerous to your immediate outdoor locations.
Carpenter ants make their nests in wet, mushy and perforated woods, rain-drenched rotten trees and their stumps. Moist outdoor manmade wooden structures also attract them. Wood shavings or sawdust attract them too. They are larger in size than regular ants.
Carpenter ant problems should be treated immediately. Otherwise, they will trail inside your house through wooden surfaces like patios and foundations of your house.
The costs of repairing such damages are immense. It is better to opt for an immediate ant treatment, which is considerably less expensive than repairing for the damages caused by them.
Special care must be taken for children and pets if fire ants infiltrate your house. They belong to a large colony and they sting! Some people are allergic to the fire ants and the allergy could be serious. Special care should be taken while applying pesticides to this species.
While finding food at your home they destroy your electric wirings. If left unattended, they tend to enter your house, which could be fatal to your family. Their nest lies quite deep under the ground having a supple appearance on the ground with no principal entrance.
Click below the link to know the immediate way to destroy the entire colony.
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An expert Ant killer uses Borax as the ultimate ant bait to kill ants. It poisons ants slowly. Ants are social insects and they travel to and fro to their nests and the source of food. This eventually kills the queen, larvae and finally exterminates the colony.
First of all liquid or gel baits are sweet in taste and so attract ants easily. With the help of syringes, these baits are spread to wide areas through cracks and fractures where normal traps and granules cannot reach. TERRO Liquid baits are popular traps which ants bring back to their colony to feed the queen and other ants. Just have a look at the video to get an idea:
Granules and Dust baits are carbohydrate and protein base baits that you spread around your outdoor lawn. Dust baits as Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is used to dry out the hard outer cover of an ant body. We recommend granules over DE as rain washes the DE from the lawn
Aerosols and liquid sprays are also effective. As soon as they are sprayed on the ants, they are killed. They also work as a guard line or barrio if sprayed beforehand around your lawn. Again it still depends on the kind of ants and the kind of sprays and aerosols. Read further and click on the links to know further.
The first thing to look for is how durable and waterproof the product is. You don’t want the rain to wash away it; neither have you wanted the wind to blow it away. Actually, it solely depends on where you are living.
A waterproof product is not necessary if you live in a dry climatic zone. The most important factor is whether it is safe for children or pets or not. You definitely wouldn’t want your children or pets playing outside your house to get attracted to it and getting close to it.
If you have children and pets at your house, our recommendation will be ant traps where the poison lies in a plastic container. Granules, sprays, and gels are spread around loosely at the lawn and can be easily accessed by the little ones.
Now you have a clear idea about the various types of outdoor ants and the pain they might cause. Here is the list of 4 best outdoor ant killers for a pest free lawn of your house.
Why is it different?
Mixed with Borax TERRO uses sugary liquid bait which attracts ants and acts as a slow poison. It destroys a colony within 24 to 48 hours of application.
This is the perfect solution for odor ant infestation and for large colonies. You just have to put the bait stations at proper places around the mould or the trail.
It is also applicable to occasional scout ants. The only problem arises if you mess up with the packaging
Why is it different?
88% of Hydramethylnon is used in the bait which Amdro granules use. It disturbs the energy production during an ant’s digestion process.
It is a slow poison, keeping the ants alive till it is infiltrated to the queen ant. 14 species of ants including carpenter ants are killed by this insecticide.
These ant killing granules are a success even to a 1080 linear foot distance from the house. Indoor ant problems are also tackled by just sprinkling some of the products inside the house.
Why is it different?
The protein based bait attracts a wide variety of species. It has an ingredient called, Abamectin which is the perfect insecticide for fire ants. Ants carry back this insecticide to the colony which finally destroys the eggs.
It is not harmful to humans but affects helpful insects such as bees in the garden. It is a perfect bait with an insecticide that eliminates most types of ants that are harmful to outdoors including fire ants, carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, and others.
In specific cases this bait may not work as ants always prefer the sweet taste and being protein as the main ingredient, these baits may not be sweet. Being a bit larger in size, it becomes difficult for ants to carry them back to their colonies too.
Why is it different?
It is a protein based bait which is spread to kill not only ants but also other pests in your outdoor yard. The insecticide contains 2% of Bifenthrin, which is a chemical component, used in various pesticides.
It affects the nervous system of the ants. It is an absolute solution for red imported fire ants. It is a harmful ingredient and hence should be kept at a safe distance from children and pets.
It is the most common commercial ant killer because of its easy application method. All you need to do is to spread the granules using a broadcast tool and sprinkle water on them.
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The award for the Best Outdoor Ant Killer goes to Bifen L/P granules AND TERRO outdoor liquid ant bait.
Image Source: amazon.com